
About Me
Protecting Your Home

When we moved into a more rural part of the country, I was surprised by how many things were different. In addition to having a septic tank, we also had a water well that we had to figure out how to service. However, we quickly learned everything we needed to know, and before I knew it, I was moving in to a place that I felt really good about. Now I can see that all of those little services are a serious benefit, since they help to reduce our monthly costs. Read more on this website about protecting your home and using off-the-grid technologies like septic tanks.


Reasons Not To Ignore Your Septic Pumping Schedule

21 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Your septic tank collects and treats all the wastewater you produce in your home or commercial building. While the system can function efficiently for years, you should prioritize its maintenance. You need to adhere to the septic pumping schedule to remove all the solid waste that settles at the bottom of your tank. This procedure is required to restore the functionality of the wastewater treatment system when solid waste rises in the tank. Read More …

2 Possible Reasons Why Your Home’s Septic Tank Needs To Be Pumped More Frequently Than Usual

2 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you have lived in your house for years, you may have gotten into a specific routine where you call to have your septic tank pumped within a set timeframe. However, if you have noticed that you are having the service come out more often, there are a couple of possible reasons why your home's septic tank needs to be pumped out more frequently than usual.  1. Water From Leaking Faucets, Drains, or Toilets Is Constantly Flowing Into the Tank So the Solid Contents Never Settle Read More …

Septic Tank Pumping Vs. Cleaning – Is There A Difference And Should You Care?

13 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Depending on where you live and the services offered by your local septic companies, you may see the terms "pumping" and "cleaning" used to describe the same process. In general, septic tank pumping involves emptying your tank of waste and pumping the waste into a holding truck for transport off-site. Pumping is necessary to ensure that grease and solid levels remain relatively low. The EPA recommends pumping your septic tank no less often than every five years, although you may sometimes want to consider a more frequent pumping schedule. Read More …

5 Signs Your Household Needs A New Septic System

24 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Your septic system can have a long life, but it won't serve you forever. The time is coming when you must get a new septic system installed. But what are the indicators that you need a new septic system? Well, the following signs should alert you to prepare for a new septic system installation.  1. Your Family Has Gotten Larger The size of your household should dictate what septic tank size to purchase. Read More …

3 Crucial Things To Do Before Getting Someone To Pump Your Septic Tank

9 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If your home does not connect to the municipal waste management system, it probably has a wastewater reservoir in the yard. That said, several homeowners hardly know how their waste disposal system works, especially if they didn't install it. However, if you do not have sewerage as part of your water bill, the chances are that there is a septic tank on your property. As such, learning more about how it works and ways to maintain it can help you keep your home clean and maintain good hygiene. Read More …