The Ultimate Guide on How Often You Should Get Your Septic Tank Pumped

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Protecting Your Home

When we moved into a more rural part of the country, I was surprised by how many things were different. In addition to having a septic tank, we also had a water well that we had to figure out how to service. However, we quickly learned everything we needed to know, and before I knew it, I was moving in to a place that I felt really good about. Now I can see that all of those little services are a serious benefit, since they help to reduce our monthly costs. Read more on this website about protecting your home and using off-the-grid technologies like septic tanks.


The Ultimate Guide on How Often You Should Get Your Septic Tank Pumped

28 September 2023
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner, it is important to keep your property’s septic system functioning properly. This often means getting your septic tank pumped on a regular basis. If you’re new to septic tanks, it can be difficult to know how often you should get it pumped. This guide will help you understand factors that determine septic tank pumping frequency so you can make an informed decision.

Family Size

One of the most important factors that affect septic tank pumping frequency is how many people live in your home. More household members typically mean more wastewater generated, which fills up your septic tank faster. As a general rule, for a family of four, a septic tank should be pumped every 3-5 years. If you have a larger or smaller family, you should adjust this timeline accordingly.

Tank Size

Another important factor is the size of your septic tank. The larger your tank, the longer it can go between pumpings. If you have a smaller tank, you may need to have it pumped more frequently. The average size of a septic tank in the US is around 1,000 gallons. Talk to a professional to determine the size of your tank so you can establish a pumping schedule.

Water Usage

The frequency at which your tank requires pumping can also be influenced by the water consumption of your household. Using excessive amounts of water will cause your septic tank to fill up more quickly, resulting in the need for more frequent pumpings. This includes things like laundry, showers, and even how often you flush the toilet. Be mindful of your water usage, and make sure to use water-efficient appliances and fixtures to reduce your water consumption.

Types of Waste

Different types of waste can have varying effects on your septic tank’s health. For example, waste from a garbage disposal can fill up the septic tank faster than regular food waste. The same goes for items like feminine products or wet wipes, which can accumulate in the tank and cause blockages. Be mindful of what you flush down your toilet and dispose of waste properly to prolong the lifespan of your septic system.

Landscaping & Drainage

Lastly, your property’s landscaping and drainage can also impact the frequency of septic tank pumpings. Trees and shrubs planted too close to the septic system can cause damage to the pipes and tank, leading to potential clogs and leaks. Inadequate drainage can lead to wastewater pooling in your yard, which can signify a damaged septic system and require immediate attention.

Keeping your septic system healthy requires regular maintenance, and pumping your tank regularly is a fundamental part of that maintenance. A good rule of thumb is to have it pumped every 3-5 years, but factors such as family size, water usage, tank size, types of waste, and landscaping must be considered before establishing a pumping schedule. By being mindful of this, you can ensure that your septic system functions smoothly and avoid any major expenses in the long run.

To learn more about septic tank pumping, contact a professional near you.